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What is phytoremediation and how does it works? 

       Phytoremediation is defined as a plant-based approach in remediating the soil by extracting and removing the pollutants from the soil or by lowering the contaminants bioavailability in the soil due to their ability in absorbing ionic compounds through their root system even if the concentrations are low (EPA, 2012; Rajkumar et al., 2012; Yan et al., 2020). Plants are shown to be helpful in cleaning variety of contaminants including metals, pesticides, and oil but they work utmost best in low contaminant levels as opposed to high concentrations as it may limit the plants growth as well as take a longer time to clean up, and also helpful in preventing any natural interruption, such as wind and rain, to carry the excessive contaminants away from its original site to the surrounding areas (Shah & Daverey, 2020; EPA, 2012). Furthermore, there are certain plant species which could remove or break down these harmful chemicals stored in the soil when they use their roots to intake water and nutrients from said contaminated soil (EPA, 2012).


        The phytoremediation process begins as the plant’s root system extend into the soil before establishing a rhizosphere ecosystem which will accumulate and modulate the pollutants bioavailability thus reclaiming the polluted soil and stabilize the soil fertility (Ali et al., 2013; Jacob et al., 2018). This is then followed by the contaminants being absorbed into the plants and stored inside the roots, stems, and leaves where they will be converted into less harmful chemicals, and eventually the chemicals will convert into water vapour through leaves and stems which will be released into the air whilst the contaminants that accumulated in the root will be used by microbes that live in the soil such as bacteria (EPA, 2012). The total duration for phytoremediation process to completely clean up a contaminated site is around several years in which the time of completion is very much dependent on several factors such as the concentrations of pollutants, contaminated area size, and the plant growth season (Ekta & Modi, 2018; EPA, 2012).

Figure 1: Phytoremediation process and its pathways (EPA, 2012)

As phytoremediation is a green solution to the environment, there are several advantages such as it is economically feasible due to its simple management as well as low installation and maintenance cost, applicable to a wide field scale, prevents erosion and metals from leaching into the soil as it stabilizes the heavy metals as well as reduce spreading risk, and it could help to improve the soil fertility as it releases various organic matters into the soil (Aken et al., 2010; Wuana & Okieimen, 2011; Jacob et al., 2018). Nevertheless, there are also a few disadvantages of phytoremediation such as slow bioremediation process, plant’s stress tolerance as well as contamination concentration, toxicity and bioavailability of the pollutants are much dependent on the root of the plants (Farraji et al., 2016).


Aken, B. V., Correa, P. A., & Schnoor, J. L. (2010). Phytoremediation of polychlorinated biphenyls: new trends and promises. Environmental Science & Technology, 44(8), 2767-2776. 


Ali, H., Khan, E., & Sajad, M. A. (2013). Phytoremediation of heavy metals—Concepts and applications. Chemosphere, 91(7), 869-881. 


Ekta, P., & Modi, N. R. (2018). A review of phytoremediation. J Pharmacogn Phytochem, 7(4), 1485-1489.


Farraji, H., Zaman, N. Q., Tajuddin, R. M., & Faraji, H. (2016). Advantages and disadvantages of phytoremediation:a concise review. International Journal of Environmental & Technological Sciences (iJETs), 2, 69-75. 


Jacob, J. M., Karthik, C., Saratale, R. G., Kumar, S. S., Prabakar, D., Kadirvelu, K., & Pugazhendhi, A. (2018). Biological approaches to tackle heavy metal pollution: a survey of literature. Journal of Environmental Management, 217, 56-70.


Rajkumar, M., Sandhya, S., Prasad, M. N. V., & Freitas, H. (2012). Perspectives of plant-associated microbes in heavy metal phytoremediation. Biotechnology Advances, 30(6), 1562-1574. 


Shah, V., & Daverey, A. (2020). Phytoremediation: A multidisciplinary approach to clean up heavy metal contaminated soil. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 18, 100774.


United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2012). A Citizen’s Guide to Phytoremediation. 


Wuana, R. A., & Okieimen, F. E. (2011). Heavy metals in contaminated soils: a review of sources, chemistry, risks and best available strategies for remediation. International Scholarly Research Notices, 2011.


Yan, A., Wang, Y., Tan, S. N., Mohd Yusof, M. L., Ghosh, S., & Chen, Z. (2020). Phytoremediation: a promising approach for revegetation of heavy metal-polluted land. Frontiers in Plant Science, 1-15. 

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