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What is biological remediation?

         Biological remediation, also known as bioremediation, is defined as a process of using living organisms, more specifically microorganisms and plants to degrade or detoxify environmental contaminants in water and land including both organic and inorganic compounds, in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly method (Abioye, 2011; Megharaj et al., 2014). This process completely rely on enzymatic activities, of bacteria, microalgae, and cyanobacteria, to degrade the contaminants from the environment due to their capabilities of converting these contaminants into carbon, energy, or other important nutrient sources (Philp & Atlas, 2005; Megharaj et al., 2014) while offering a cost-effective and naturally-occurring remediation process without producing any toxic by-products as compared to other remediation techniques (Abioye, 2011) as well as become a permanent solution for mineralization of contamination from the environment (Perelo, 2010). As this process uses microbes as a base, the microbes will approach and adjust themselves against the wastes before adapting to it, letting the microbe strains grow naturally which will then help to convert all the toxic compounds into non-toxic compounds through enzymatic activities (Singh et al., 2020). The bioremediation also includes plants as a base, depending on the involved biological activities, commonly known as rhizoremediation and phytoremediation (McCutcheon & Jørgensen, 2008; Chang et al., 2009).


         There are several advantages in utilizing bioremediation in an attempt to reduce the high waste contamination as compared to other treatment such as destroying the contaminant compounds by converting it into environment safe compounds (Okoh & Trejo-Hernandez, 2006). However, there are some existing disadvantages with the common limitation of bioremediation being there are some contaminants with high chlorine and molecular weight that will not readily undergo degradation by microbes, and degradation of some chemicals may produce higher amount of toxic and mobile intermediates as compare to their parent compound as it will cause a more serious consequence to the ecosystem (Megharaj et al., 2014).


Abioye, O. P. (2011). Biological remediation of hydrocarbon and heavy metals contaminated soil. In (Ed.), Soil Contamination. IntechOpen. 


Chang, J. S., Yoon, I. H., & Kim, K. W. (2009). Heavy metal and arsenic accumulating fern species as potential ecological indicators in As-contaminated abandoned mines. Ecological Indicators, 9(6), 1275-1279. 


McCutcheon, S. C., & Jørgensen, S. E. (2008). Phytoremediation. Encyclopedia of Ecology, 2751-2766. 


Megharaj, M., Venkateswarlu, K., & Naidu, R. (2014). Bioremediation. Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition), 485-489. 


Okoh, A., & Trejo-Hernandez, M. R. (2006). Remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon polluted systems: Exploiting the bioremediation strategies. African Journal of Biotechnology, 5(25), 2520-2525.


Perelo, L. W. (2010). Review: In situ and bioremediation of organic pollutants in aquatic sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 177(1-3), 81-89.


Philp, J. C., & Atlas, R. M. (2005). Bioremediation of contaminated soils and aquifers. Bioremediation: Applied Microbial Solutions for Real‐World Environmental Cleanup, 139-236.


Singh, P., Singh, V. K., Singh, R., Borthakur, A., Madhav, S., Ahamad, A., Kumar, A., Pal, D. B., Tiwary, D., & Mishra, P. K. (2020). Chapter 1 - Bioremediation: a sustainable approach for management of environmental contaminants. Abatement of Environmental Pollutants, 1-23. 

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